Constant Reforms To Better Public Service

In an effort to build a more productive workforce, the government has embarked on work plan preparation and departmental performance appraisal for the financial year 2019/20.
The process will inform the governments planning and strategy, as well as assess and use the experiences to revamp its system to better service delivery.
The effort is focused on running a public organization that demonstrates professionalism, transparency, accountability, integrity among other core values.
The process is part of the ongoing efforts at reforming Laikipia public service into a world class establishment by appreciating innovative changes that address the constantly evolving environment in the civil service.
By building a responsive workforce, the government targets to promote focus on outcomes of projects that justify inputs during implementation.
These efforts are targeted at ensuring investments made create the favourable environment for citizens to be able to better their social economic status. This will be achieved by building interdepartmental synergies to design and implement projects.

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