Residents Praise Makurian Osirua Water Project


Makurian Osirua Water Project is a major achievement for Laikipia, supervised by the Department. The project supplies water to 7,600 citizens in six villages before terminating at Kiwanja Ndege town.


The project, which commenced construction in early 2021, conveys water through a 36km long transmission line from the Timau River. The project is co-financed by the Kenya Devolution Support Programme (KDSP) and Laikipia County Government through NAWASCO, which also supervises project implementation.


Through this project, the communities in Chumvi and Makurian now have access to good quality and reliable water and are expected to realize added benefits such as food and fodder production, which will transform the lives and livelihoods of this community. The project is complete and residents are thankful for the water that is now near them.


They say they have never seen such development in their area, citing that it has saved them from making long walks in search of water that is not even clean enough.


Courtesy of this project, the residents enjoy all year round clean water without long movements.

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