Over A Week Long Public Participation On Laikipia County Finance Bill 2020/2021

As a government of the people by the people and for the people Laikipia County has embarked on engaging its Citizens to make their contributions before making any major decisions for the county.
The whole of this week from 12th to 16th October 2020, over 50 county officers are holding at least 51 sittings with Laikipians across the county on public participation.
The importance of this exercise cannot be overemphasized. It is through such public participation exercises that citizens take part in decision-making on how their county resources should be used.
The main aim for the weeks government-citizen engagement is the Laikipia County Finance Bill 2020/2021. This is the bill that governs how the government collects revenue and from which sectors of the economy.
Citizens are urged to come out in large numbers to provide suggestions and seek clarifications from the government officials in matters governance, especially on revenue collection.
An enlightened community on reasons for collecting revenues translates to payment of the same from the public in a willing manner.
There is no taxation without representation, inclusion and participation in Laikipia County

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