Doctor In Ground Breaking Surgery Wins Spot Award


A newly graduated Laikipia medical officer has won a spot award after carrying out a delicate but ground-breaking surgery on a young patient at the Nanyuki Teaching Referral Hospital.
Dr Brian Imboya Shiramba who is serviing as a medical officer at the hospital graduated in December 2017 with a Master of Medicine in Ophhalmology from the University of Nairobi.
The patient, who was only identified through her initials, SL, was born with a congenital defect where the left eye was not present. In its place, there was a small cyst that was shrinking further as the child grew.
A diagnosis of the left eye socket was made. It was discovered that the absence of the eye was causing disparity in growth of facial bones as the child grew in age.
Before Dr Shiramba came into contact with the patient nothing definitive had been instituted to give her the cosmesis that was now possible with the current medical advancement.
Even as SLs face was losing symmetry/shape because of the condition, medics from one of the leading specialist eye hospital advised her to live with the condition.
Dr Shiramba did a full assessment of the condition before devising a plan and preparation which included fitting an implant.
But the prosthesis (implant) was not available locally. So the medic used his associations and network with Ophlthalmologists who are involved in such eye surgeries to obtain imported prosthesis which was perfectly fitting
Dr Shiramba was among four county government of Laikipia employees recognized during the quarterly staff awards for going out their way to deliver service to Laikipia people.
Mr. Omar Said Moro an assistant health livestock officer from Thingithu was awarded for devising a way of detecting as the slaughter house manager and meat inspector in charge of Nanyuki slaughter house. On 5th July Mr. Omar anticipated the entry of animals from a neighboring county which has a high Rift Valley Fever (RVF) risk into the Nanyuki slaughter house. He was able to locate where the animals were hidden and ensured that they were loaded back into the track.
Mr Stephen Edwin Ondimu was trained on energy saving jikos as an energy saving devices trainer in August, 2018. The aim of this is to reduce deforestation, greenhouse gas emission and creating employment at the local level. Mr. Ondimu was able to train 24 community members by October, 2018. The artisan who benefited from his training are now able to generate an income of Ksh500-1500 per Jiko. They have been registered as Clean Energy Self Help Group.
Ms. Jane Gathigia Gacha is a nurse in charge of Ngenia Dispensary in Laikipia north sub-county. She initiated a Kilimo Faida Program within Ngenia dispensary after attending a governors staff meeting where a presentation on Kilimo Faida was made. She brought together 12 needy families to start a farming project for kales and cabbages with an aim of ensuring that family nutrition is improved and part of the income used to pay for their NHIF medical cover.
The County Government of Laikipia is instituting a wide range of reforms in the county public service to make it more productive, effective and efficient. Some of the reforms include Spot Awards meant to motivate staff, staff performance contracting and half-yearly staff performance appraisals.
All the 1,800 staff have been issued with staff ID bearing their designation which they wear during official hours. The reforms focus on people, processes and systems.
The reforms have also seen the countys own source revenue grow by 35 percent in the first half of financial year 2018/19

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